Wednesday, February 1, 2012

43 Reasons Why

For the last few years, I've composed a list of reasons why I love Jim and present it to him on his birthday. Before you think, "Oh, she's so creative," know that I stole the idea from a friend in Arkansas who does this for her husband each year. I've found that, not only is it nice for Jim to hear, but it also helps me to remember all those reasons why I love him. It's a sort of renewal. So, as Jim turns 43 today, here are (in no particular order) 43 reasons why I love him....
  1. He works hard and is a good provider.
  2. He's a wonderful dad.
  3. He does dishes.
  4. He goes with me on my large monthly grocery trip.
  5. He cooks when I don't feel like it.
  6. He's my computer repairman.
  7. He makes window treatments for me (and my sister).
  8. He loves me even when I'm not lovable.
  9. He loves my family.
  10. He clears his schedule every Friday so that we can have lunch together.
  11. He indulges Ben on "Pizza Sunday."
  12. He adopted Charlie for Anna.
  13. He's made time to go on all but one of Kaity's college visits.
  14. He helps me get the kids to all their activities.
  15. He balances the checkbook and pays the bills each month.
  16. He puts lotion on my back whenever I ask.
  17. He puts the toilet seat down.
  18. He likes that I enjoy trying new recipes.
  19. He brings me flowers.
  20. He writes poems for me.
  21. He drives to UDF to get me a milkshake when I have a craving.
  22. He's willing to eat out when I suggest it.
  23. He always remembers our anniversary and my birthday.
  24. He makes me laugh.
  25. He can fix anything.
  26. He sews buttons on our clothes when they fall off.
  27. He polishes my shoes.
  28. He encourages me to read (even though I have a hard time putting down a good book!).
  29. He plays Words with Friends with me.
  30. He takes us on family vacations each summer.
  31. He's honest.
  32. He's faithful.
  33. He loves the Lord.
  34. He parks on the driveway and lets Kaity and me park in the garage.
  35. He encourages me to go on a girls' weekend away every year.
  36. He takes me on dates.
  37. He's always supported my desire to be a stay-at-home mom.
  38. He shampoos the carpet when Charlie has an accident.
  39. He shares popcorn with me.
  40. He tells me I'm beautiful (even when I'm a mess!).
  41. He forgives easily.
  42. He's easy to scare. :)
  43. He's affectionate.

Happy birthday, Jim! I love you.