Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Third Time's the Charm

Well, we did it. We finally gave in and adopted a dog for Anna. Jim and I had reservations because our last 2 attempts of being dog owners didn't go so well. Pepper was our first. She was a Standard Schnauzer that drove me crazy! She would pee on the laundry room floor while I stood and watched her. I think she wanted to take my spot under the alpha male! To say that she and I didn't get along would be an understatement.... A few years later we bought Sadie, a sweet, lovable, and extremely energetic chocolate lab. We used to joke that she thought she was a "lap dog." Sadie even made the move to Arkansas with us. However, when we discovered that Ben and I were allergic to everything under the sun (and even the sun, in my case!), we decided to give Sadie away. Anna was heartbroken, but we had to do it so that I could breathe!... On Friday, January 27th, we surprised Anna and adopted Charlie, a Cairn Terrier mix. I wish that I had taken my camera with me to the shelter; I've never seen Anna so happy and excited about anything! When she got out of the car, she ran up to Jim with tears in her eyes, wrapped her arms around his waist and said, "Thank you, Daddy! Thank you!"
So far, Charlie has been a sweet addition to our family. He's everything we've always wanted in a dog; he's sweet, cuddly, playful, non shedding, house trained, and he very rarely barks! We're all amazed and think he's too good to be true! I guess you could say that the third time's the charm!

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